
This blog is edited by Kai Posthuma and Löve Fried. This blog is inspired by climate change.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Tech Billionaires fight climate change

Tech guy group

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Tech guys are cool because they have a lot of money and they are using most of that money to help stop climate change. The average life style of an American uses a lot of energy. The primary source of that energy comes from hydrocarbons, they are coal, gasoline and natural gas. We need researchers that research the early stage of climate change and that can develop more efficient technology that will cover the costs of making them. We need research, but we also need people that will help fund that research. Those people would include Bill Gates and a lot of other wealthy people, they are able to fund these companies because they have a lot of money and can take the risk. This can speed up the stopping of climate change.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Why climate change is dangerus

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Climate change is very dangerous that can cause mass destruction and will ruin and flood lots of cities,villages,habitats and will drown animals and extinction rate will become high.  At 2015 the most dangerous places and species are South Africa, polar bears, penguins,snow leopards, Canada's front areas, Australia and lots lots more. Climate change is caused by nuclear power plant,volcano eruption,smoke and that will block the heat to let it out of the atmosphere. Huge amount of droughts will happen skiing, sleighing, skating and other snow sports will be cancelled. People will have longer and hotter summers.

The Good Side of Fossil Fuels

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1.Fossil fuels are easy to get and when you find fossil fuel you find alot.

2. Fossil fuel gives alot of energy from little amount of fossil fuel making it great source of energy.

3.Fossil fuel is really cheep and placed all around the world.

4.Fossil fuel is easy to set up because fossil fuel is all around the world.

In conclusion fossil fuel is easy to get, set up, it gives alot of energy form little amounts, and it is really cheep. That's why fossil fuels are use so much but there are all ways negative sides like when you heat up fossil fuel you release CO2 into the atmosphere causing global warming. Fossil fuels take a long time to form and fossil fuel are not renewable so they are running out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Renewable Energy

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Energy comes from Renewable resources and Nonrenewable resources. I will base this post around Canada, where i'm from. 

Humans need energy to heat their homes, provide transportation, to power technology and to produce and export goods. Sadly, most of those are powered by nonrenewable resources.

Non renewable resources are crude oil, natural gas, oil sands, and coal. Non renewable resources provide around 96% of Canada's energy production. Crude oil and natural gas are one of Canada's biggest exports. Non renewable resources have a negative effect on the environment, they are not sustainable and pollute the planet.  

We think renewable resources are better because they do not have a negative effect on the environment, animals, the earth, the air and the people. It will always be available.

Renewable resources are wind, biomass, falling water, solar, tides, and geothermal energy. Renewable resources are becoming more advanced and efficient. Renewable resources do not have a negative effect on the environment. Around 17% of Canada's energy production is from renewable sources. 

How it works

Wind power: Large turbines are turned by the wind and the friction of the turn creates energy through a generator. It is clean and it takes up little space.

Tumbler Ridge wind farm in British Columbia Canada
Hydro kite: The Hydro kite flies underwater in rivers, generating power using the flow of water. It is smart because it senses objects and moves away from them. This future technology will not harm fish and will not hit boats.

Tidal: The ocean water, moving with the tide, spins the turbine which is connected to a generator making energy. We will always know when the tides are coming.

bay of fundy nova scotia canada
Solar energy: Sunlight is captured by solar panels generating electricity. It uses the sun and no pollution at all.

solar house in Tsawwassen, British Columbia Canada
Falling water: Water flows through a dam which spins a turbine. That water is blasted out the other side. The pressure generates electricity.

falling water in Alberta, Canada
Energy makes life easier. It is what we use to survive in peace and comfort but the earth says otherwise. We should focus on using only renewable energy so we can make a change!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Why climate change is important to Löve

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Climate change is important to me because I want everyone to be able to share the earth and live on it for generations to come. Climate change is a huge threat to the whole world. Every day every minute human kind are trying to solve this problem but at the same time more and more co2 carbon oxide is released making the world heat up, killing animals and changing weather. Join the fight against  climate change, now you can change the world!!!  See Kai's 10 things you can do to help climate change.

The Polar Bear Habitat

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The winter in the Arctic is long and the temperature can be as low as -50 degrees centigrade. If you go too far north you can experience little or no daylight for 6 months. There are places in the Arctic where snow never melts, this is called permafrost. During the summer some of the ice melts and 1700 different plant types can grow there. The polar bear lives in the Arctic. 

This habitat is in danger and so are the polar bears. There are only 20000-25000 Polar bears left. What has caused this drastic decrease in the population? Global warming is the main reason because it is making the ice around the Arctic thinner and it is shrinking, it is spreading out and many polar bears are getting stranded on small pieces of ice. The action of ice breaking apart is causing the polar bear population to decrease because the Polar bears need to eat, since they need to eat on land. Also polar bears get tired by swimming and if they have no land to rest on than they will drown. 

Is it too late to save the Polar bears? No, it is not to late to save the polar bears if humans reduce greenhouse gas emissions. See my post '10 things you can do to stop climate change' Click here. See tips from scientists! Click here.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Volkswagen lie about their diesel cars

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What they did:

Not long ago, the Volkswagen lied about having low emissions on their luxury diesel cars. Not only that, they programmed the computer in the car that lowered its emissions when the cars were being tested. It made the car, in tests, seem far less polluting than it is. The test manipulations on diesel engines for Volkswagen mean a moral and political disaster. 

The environment:

Volkswagen diesel cars were emitting up to 40 times more toxic fumes than allowed. This doesn't only affect the environment but it affects us too. It damages our breathing and lungs, like smoking, and can cause more death.

"The idea of toying with the air that people breathe, and consequently their faith in the brand, is beyond doubt heinous and elicits more than mere trepidation." 

"Toying" with the air we breathe is bad. Don't these people have children they want to protect and give them a clean earth? 

Their punishment:

"Since VW’s misdeeds were uncovered, the company’s shares have plunged, wiping almost €29 billion off the company’s market capitalization. Simply put, shareholders have lost more than €140 in market value for every single euro that VW saved by cutting corners on its diesel engines in the United States. It’s hard to think of a better reminder that cheating doesn’t pay. "

So yeah, cheating doesn't pay very well... Volkswagen definitely deserved that punishment for poisoning the air we breathe.

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