
This blog is edited by Kai Posthuma and Löve Fried. This blog is inspired by climate change.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Polar Bear Habitat

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The winter in the Arctic is long and the temperature can be as low as -50 degrees centigrade. If you go too far north you can experience little or no daylight for 6 months. There are places in the Arctic where snow never melts, this is called permafrost. During the summer some of the ice melts and 1700 different plant types can grow there. The polar bear lives in the Arctic. 

This habitat is in danger and so are the polar bears. There are only 20000-25000 Polar bears left. What has caused this drastic decrease in the population? Global warming is the main reason because it is making the ice around the Arctic thinner and it is shrinking, it is spreading out and many polar bears are getting stranded on small pieces of ice. The action of ice breaking apart is causing the polar bear population to decrease because the Polar bears need to eat, since they need to eat on land. Also polar bears get tired by swimming and if they have no land to rest on than they will drown. 

Is it too late to save the Polar bears? No, it is not to late to save the polar bears if humans reduce greenhouse gas emissions. See my post '10 things you can do to stop climate change' Click here. See tips from scientists! Click here.

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