
This blog is edited by Kai Posthuma and Löve Fried. This blog is inspired by climate change.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Little Introduction

Climate change

By Kai Posthuma and Löve Fried

A Christmas special (image source)

Our names are Kai and Löve. We are 7th grade students from ISSR, International School of the Stockholm Region. We are making a blog about climate change as we are concerned about it. This blog will include pictures of climate change and articles.  For those of you that do not know what climate change is then continue reading.

Climate change is when green house gases get trapped inside the atmosphere. This will cause the atmosphere to heat up and melt ice. Climate change also results in rising sea level. Climate change can affect the life quality of humans and can destroy animal habitats. As kids we want our future to be nice, with a healthy planet that has high biodiversity. 

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