
This blog is edited by Kai Posthuma and Löve Fried. This blog is inspired by climate change.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Why climate change is important to Kai

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Climate change is important to me (Kai) because it could affect my life quality in the future. In my original home in Vancouver I've noticed changes in the climate, on our local mountains. The skiing seasons are shortened because it is not cold enough on the mountains to get a lot of snow. In 2010 the winter Olympics was held in Vancouver on Cypress mountain and the climate change was so bad they had to bring in truck loads of snow for the Olympics. Last summer (2015) there were droughts in Vancouver and big forest fires in the Okanagan. It would be sad for me if all the green space in the Okanagan were to disappear because every year my family would go there every year in the summer. I wouldn't stand not being able to ski because that's the highlight of each winter.

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