
This blog is edited by Kai Posthuma and Löve Fried. This blog is inspired by climate change.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Volkswagen lie about their diesel cars

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What they did:

Not long ago, the Volkswagen lied about having low emissions on their luxury diesel cars. Not only that, they programmed the computer in the car that lowered its emissions when the cars were being tested. It made the car, in tests, seem far less polluting than it is. The test manipulations on diesel engines for Volkswagen mean a moral and political disaster. 

The environment:

Volkswagen diesel cars were emitting up to 40 times more toxic fumes than allowed. This doesn't only affect the environment but it affects us too. It damages our breathing and lungs, like smoking, and can cause more death.

"The idea of toying with the air that people breathe, and consequently their faith in the brand, is beyond doubt heinous and elicits more than mere trepidation." 

"Toying" with the air we breathe is bad. Don't these people have children they want to protect and give them a clean earth? 

Their punishment:

"Since VW’s misdeeds were uncovered, the company’s shares have plunged, wiping almost €29 billion off the company’s market capitalization. Simply put, shareholders have lost more than €140 in market value for every single euro that VW saved by cutting corners on its diesel engines in the United States. It’s hard to think of a better reminder that cheating doesn’t pay. "

So yeah, cheating doesn't pay very well... Volkswagen definitely deserved that punishment for poisoning the air we breathe.

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